I was interviewed by the BBC about my Nature Journaling - you can watch it here
Here is my biography and why nature journaling is so important to me. You can also download my artist's C.V. below.
PCarthy - Artists CV Final (pdf)
DownloadThe Nature Journaling course was an opportunity for learners to learn about nature and also to begin to learn how to capture that immersive experience through the medium of watercolour.
Through the experience, learners developed other skills, such as maths, mindfulness, and improving mental and physical well-being.
It was delivered over six sessions on Saturdays at the Focus Centre, Galashiels, with the last session at Wooplaw Community Woods. 31st August - 5th October 2024.
Dowload the evaluation that I wrote below.
I ran a programme on nature journaling for Scottish Borders Council from August to October 2024. Download the evaluation that I wrote here.
Day 13/14 (13th & 14th January). What an amazing sunset, just stunning.
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B7059, Romannobridge, West Linton, EH46 7BZ, United Kingdom